8th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest Seeking Entries

Actress Tamlyn Tomita was one of the three performers reading Imagine Little Tokyo winning short stories at the 2020 virtual ceremony held on the Japanese American National Museum platform. To view the entire program, go to janmdotorg’s YouTube chan…

Actress Tamlyn Tomita was one of the three performers reading Imagine Little Tokyo winning short stories at the 2020 virtual ceremony held on the Japanese American National Museum platform. To view the entire program, go to janmdotorg’s YouTube channel or the Little Tokyo Historical Society (https://www.littletokyohs.org/).

LTHS seeks fictional short stories for its 8th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest in the categories of English, Japanese and Youth (18 and younger)!

Deadline: Sunday, February 28th, 2021

The Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) seeks fictional short stories for its eighth annual Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest in the categories of English language, Japanese language and youth (18 and younger). The deadline is February 28, 2021. The contest is presented by LTHS in partnership with the Japanese American National Museum’s Discover Nikkei project.

The purpose of the contest is to raise awareness of Little Tokyo through a creative story that takes place in Little Tokyo. The story has to be fictional and set in a current, past or future Little Tokyo in the City of Los Angeles, California. The short story committee will be specifically looking for stories that capture the spirit and sense of Little Tokyo. Each category winner will be awarded $500 in cash with their short story being published in The Rafu Shimpo, Discover Nikkei and Little Tokyo Historical Society website. A virtual award ceremony and dramatic readings of the winning stories are also being planned for 2021 at the Japanese American National Museum.

For more information and guidelines, refer to the Events tab of https://www.littletokyohs.org/. If you would like to financially contribute to the contest, e-mail imaginelittletokyo@gmail.com


 リトル東京歴史協会(Little Tokyo Historical Society)は第 8回イマジン・リトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテストの作品を、英語成年・英語青少年(18歳以下)・日本語の3部門にて募集しています。応募締め切りは2021年2月28日です。このコンテストは、リトル東京歴史協会の主催により、全米日系人博物館のディスカバー・ニッケイプロジェクトの協力を得て行われています。








·      The story must be original, fictional, written in either Japanese or English by the submitting author and never been published (even online).

·      The same story submitted in a previous year cannot be resubmitted.

·      The setting of the story should be in Little Tokyo – either past, present or future.

·      Submitted manuscript should be 2,500 words or less for English or 5,000 ji or less for Japanese and have a title.

·      File should be a Microsoft Word doc, docx or rtf.

·      For English-language entries, please use 12 point font, preferably Times Roman or Courier type and double space.

·      Please remove any mention of your name from your short story, including headers.

·      The short story manuscript must be submitted digitally as an e-mail attachment to Imaginelittletokyo@gmail.com (include SHORT STORY  in the subject line). In the e-mail message, please include your name, phone number and age if 18 or under.

·      The submissions should include a signed agreement. The agreement can be either e-mailed or sent via post.

·      Submissions need to be e-mailed by February 28, 2021, 12 midnight PST. NO EXCEPTIONS.

·      Immediate family members of judges (first-round or final) are ineligible.



  • 過去に当コンテストにご応募頂いた作品の再応募はご遠慮願います。

  • 物語の舞台はリトル東京であること。時代設定は、過去・現在・未来のいずれでも結構です。

  • 日本語の作品は5,000字以内、英語の作品は2,500語以内であること。

  • 作品には、タイトル(題)がついていること。

  • 提出様式−Microsoft Wordのファイル( doc, docx, 又はrtfのみ)。

  • フォントは、日本語の場合MS明朝又はMSゴシック、英語はTimes Roman又はCourier、サイズは12を使用。

  • 応募者の氏名は、作品中及びワードファイルのヘッダーやフッターから排除すること。

  • 作品は、メールにてImaginelittletokyo@gmail.com 宛にご提出下さい。メール本文に記載せず、添付ファイルにてお送り下さい。メールの件名にはSHORT STORYと記載してください。メール本文には、応募者の氏名、電話番号、18歳未満の場合には年齢を記載してください。

  • 作品と一緒に、署名入りのコンテスト規約も併せてお送りください。規約はメールにて又は規約中に記載された返送先にお送り下さい。

  • 応募締切りは2021年2月28日、23時59分(米国西部時間)必着となります。締切りを過ぎたご応募は受け付けませんのでご了承ください。


Agreement form 2021 English

Agreement form 2021 Japanese 契約書(日本語)

Watch now: 2020 Virtual Award Reception supported by Discover Nikkei and JANM