7th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest

The Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest was designed to promote awareness of Little Tokyo through seeking original stories that demonstrate knowledge of Little Tokyo, and that captures the spirit and cultural essence of LT. This contest challenges the writer’s imagination to weave a fictional short story into the Little Tokyo context– either past, present, or even future.

There are three categories: Adult, Youth and Japanese.  Each category winner will be awarded a cash prize of $500.  Winning stories will be published in The Rafu Shimpo and Discover Nikkei website.

A public Awards Ceremony with dramatic readings of the winning stories by well-known actors was planned for May 9th at the Japanese American National Museum.  Out of an abundance of caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual Awards Program is being planned instead and will be held on Thursday, July 23 at 6:00 p.m.

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