A REBEL’S OUTCRY, 2nd Edition
The biography of Issei Civil Rights Leader Sei Fujii 1882-1954
Press release in English, click here
Press release in Japanese, click here
$62,500 grant from the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program awarded to develop and produce a feature-length drama on Civil Rights Leader Sei Fujii (1882-1954)
Shimbun" Film Project was awarded $62,500 by the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program Grant to develop a feature narrative and concept exploring the lives of the Nikkei community leading up to WWII through the lens of Civil Rights Leader Sei Fujii. Little Tokyo Historical Society, Fumiko Carole Fujita, and Jeffrey Gee Chin have dedicated over 14 years of research to breathe life into the forgotten legacy of Sei Fujii through historic designations, and award-winning short films and publications. More information on the team and project to come.
Little Tokyo Walking Tours
Group tours of the historic, ethnic neighborhood are available based on availability. Tours are available in both English and Japanese languages. Please submit your request by clicking the link below.
Monthly Programs
Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), beginning at 10 a.m.
Business Meeting (Individual Projects) is followed by a guest lecture at 11 a.m.
Get Involved!
Become a Member
We are thrilled that you are interested in becoming a member of the Little Tokyo Historical Society! It is our goal to welcome and grow our base of individuals interested in the history of Little Tokyo.
As a member, you’ll be invited to attend our monthly meetings as well as volunteer with our many events and programs throughout the year.
Becoming a member is a simple process. Just fill out the membership form on this page. Upon completion, please submit your tax-deductible donation of $40 or more.
We appreciate your support.
Little Tokyo Historical Society is grateful for our group of generous supporters. It is through your donations, time, volunteer efforts and combined commitment that we continue to thrive and advance our vision.
Now we wouldn’t be able to communicate the rich and vibrant history of Little Tokyo to all those interested in learning. It’s a necessary part of our past and present that we are proud to dedicate our energy towards sharing.
There are many ways you can help.
Monthly General Meeting
Learn about LTHS and historic Little Tokyo’s past, present and future. Hybrid onsite-Zoom online meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. All are welcome to attend! If you are interested in attending please submit your request by clicking the link below.
Historic Sites
The Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) works year round to recognize and honor historically significant people, moments, and stories throughout the city.
Los Angeles City’s Mill’s Act
Description of the Mills Act and its proposed changes, click here.